Sunday, February 25, 2007

Adventures with my Cathinator

In just under two months I will see my dear sister Catharine Elise Vanderlaan again. I cannot wait to see her. As of today is has been 150 days since I have seen her (almost five months). This is entirely un-acceptable.


No animals were harmed in the making of the previous post.

Adventures with Cadbury the Bunny on Holiday

My sister Amy-Lynn has lent me Cadbury the bunny for a little while to keep me company. He's a pretty cool guy. I am really thankful to have him around.

Ready for his walk down the red carpet at tonights Oscars.

The little guy chillin at an after-party.

Cadbury relaxin' before the big event.

His post-Oscar-winning address to the media.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Adventures with my Jaimie

This is a long-awaited post. Back in January my beautiful friend Jaimie came to visit and here is a pic.