Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Further Adventures in Nail-biting

Weeks with bitter finger stuff: 1
Bites since last post (day 3): 0
Chance of success: roughly good

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Adventures in Airport Memories

Sept. 28th 2006. Pearson Int'l Airport. Saying goodbye.

Adventures in Nail-Biting

Days with bitter tasting anti-biting stuff = 3
Nails bitten = 58

(okay I don't really have 58 nails to bite... but it feels like it)

I'll keep you updated.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Adventures in Chasing Cars

Today is a weird day. I forgot to take my pills this morning, which always leaves me in a weird mood. Today I have been doing a lot of thinking though.

I gave my word to someone. Someone I had never met before. Someone who I am not especially close to. I told them I would work for them until I left the country in September. So far I have kept that promise, but it's getting harder. I don't know if I can keep it up.

I keep hearing that "people do it all the time," come and go. Its not like I have a contract. I just wonder if my word should mean less to this person just because I'm not close to them.

The lines of Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol are rolling around in my head. I feel myself calling them out as a prayer. "If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" I just want to sit with Jesus and forget the world.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Adventures in Nature

Just to prove it is so warm out that I am wearing flip-flops :)