Friday, March 30, 2007

Adventures in Being a Teenager

For my Birthday I recieved a T-Shirt that tells the world, although I am 20, I will always be a teenager at heart. I believe this is true. You can take the number away, but I will always be a kid.

If you don't believe me, take a look at my bedroom:

That's actually a little cleaner then it usually is.

Just incase I met you at YWAM and you've never seen my house, I just thought I'd put a little pic of my living room.

My family really likes Ikea.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Adventures in Tshirts and Setting Your Spirit Free

The ground in Toronto still squishes from yesterdays rain. The warm spring breeze hovers around that place where the adventureous bring out shorts. The Sun is alive and warm, breathing life into the long dead ground.

Cars speed over asphault, stop and go. Planes roll overhead, hanging in winter's leftover white sky. People come and go; the rhythm of the city.

Every year there is a day when the grip of winter breaks. Today is that day in Toronto. The Sun feels beautiful on your bare arms, warming them like a crackling fire.

Nature rolls on in its rhythms of grace; spring, summer, winter, fall. The cycle never ends, despite wars and corruption. Every season has its time under the Sun, then just like that, it slips away.

The first day in a Tshirt sets your spirit free. The moment your soul has been waiting for all season long is finally here. The crush of winter breaks. It's Springtime.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Adventures in Birthday Parties

Birthday dinner on March 6th

Rhonda, Isaac, and Eddie at my 2nd Birthday dinner

Me, Caroline, Josiah, Aaron, Brian, my dad, Rhonda, and Eddie

Caroline and I eating shrimp and roast beef :) yay beef

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Adventures in the Morning Sun

[Note: This blog was originally published on my other site on August 13th, 2007, however it seemed appropriate now too.]

The sunlight flickers through the trees like an old 16mm projector showing a film of the sky. As we drive by at 100km an hour, the world is a blur and the only thing constant is the morning Sun. The soft blue of the sky is politely interrupted by wispy clouds just above the treetops. The clouds themselves seem drowsy. Maybe they were up late chasing stars. By noon they’ll be all over the sky.

As we drive I think about people. We are on our way to church. Perhaps I should be thinking about God on my way to church but right now I’m thinking about people.

It’s interesting that all people are inherently flawed right from birth. I say it’s interesting not because it’s anything new, but because sometimes I feel lots of people aren’t flawed at all and I am. It’s weird to think about the faces at church, you know, the people who are always so nice and friendly even when you know they had a bad week. The people who offer to drive you home in a blizzard. They don’t seem as flawed as I am inside.

Recently I’ve been thinking about sin. About whether or not some sins are worse than others. If sin is essentially not relying on God for things, then the opposite of sin must be trust.

When I think about things like murders, suicide, wars, racism, I can’t help but wonder what I’d have done in their place. If I’d lived their life, would I have pulled the trigger too? Am I any better then the guy I see on TV hiding his face from the camera as he is escorted into court? I’ve never killed anyone, but I’ve never been tempted to kill anyone either. I’ve never beaten anyone but I’ve never been beaten either.

We live in a world where evil is relative. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. One man’s rescuer is another’s enemy.

If two men shoot each other at the same moment, one because he is protecting his family, and the other because he is angry, they are both still killers. God says not to kill. Does it matter to God why we kill someone? Does it matter to God why we smoke drugs, get drunk, get in a fight, hurt someone, or even kill someone or ourselves? Does a good reason make it right? Or does it matter more to him that the real reason we are doing these things is because we don’t trust Him?

Can it possibly be inside God’s plan for your life that you take another person’s life? Or even hurt them? Or simply reject them?

Did Jesus ever kill someone?

If someone kills us, does that mean they should die?

Did Jesus attack the Romans when they tortured and killed Him?

Adventures in the way I am made

I wonder sometimes why God gives people flaws, or if He even gives flaws at all... Maybe we just pick them up along the way. The way I am made is beautiful and true, it's just getting there that takes a while.

Sometimes God tells me to go somewhere, and then I feel like I am not right for it. It's hard to remember that God knows me better then I know me.

In the places where we don't feel gifted, but feel called, there is room for faith, but also for failure. We will fail. When our heart is not in it. When we don't truly believe God will do it. Or sometimes even when we do. What then?

What if we're relying on God and it all seems to fall apart? You know you aren't good at some things but you think God will make it work. Right? What if He doesn't? How long until we see the purpose of our failure; see that its not failure at all, but victory?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Adventures in Going Ahead

My counselor said something interesting today. She said that I shouldn't think of doing another DTS as going back. I should think of it as going ahead. It sounds kinda cheesy but I think I like it.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Adventures in missing my sisters

My bis sis Cathy and I at the airport, that fateful day in September when we said goodbye. Only forty more days til I see you sis :)

My sister Brit and I on the beach in Hawaii. I miss you dude.