Thursday, February 21, 2008

Scientific Journal of a Renowned Anthropologist

9:29 AM - I arrive at Tim Hortons for my 12 o'clock shift

9:30 AM - I discover the civilization has advanced since my last observation. Wireless internet is now available. What could this mean to the traditional northern culture that resists such advances as the "box store"? Could this mean the breakdown of all life as they know it?

9:31 AM - Once I have recovered my composure at this discovery, I check my email and observe that I am not the only one with wireless high-speed at my workplace. Apparently this is a common phenomenon (note: which needs to be further investigated, once I receive the government grant).

9:45 AM - I begin to wonder if this is what it feels like to be a retired person. Although the stereotypical RP would not be surfing on their brand shiny new MacBook.

10:15 AM - I am visited by my friend Shellie the Baker (last name withheld for scientifical reasons). She is a curious creature, very friendly toward humans. Tame but not to be taken lightly or trifled with.

10:16 AM - Our conversation is interrupted by the arrival of an endangered species: The Mulleted Trucker. His camouflage proved too effect for me to snap a photo right away. I did manage one once he had retreated to his cave, but the detail is very minimal.

10:18 AM - Shellie leaves and I am left alone again with my anthropological scientific hypothosizations. Will the Mulleted Trucker ever realized his need to adapt to avoid extinction? Only time will tell.


Unknown said...

You should consider yourself fortunate to have spotted a Mulleted Trucker. They're much less common than the mulleted hockey player. Generally speaking much more docile and less apt to have had brain injury. You were fishing in the right sort of place though. It's not often they come out of their cave. Try hiding in a parking lot garbage can next time and you might get a good picture. Probably would sell for a lot of money to the right buyer. It's one way to put yourself through school.

Alice said...

great blog Emily! I miss u and our random TV nights after P&P!

~*Trisha*~ said...

LOL!!!! I love you and your writing abilities :) Miss you!

cathforeva said...

you're hilarious em!!! you write soooo amazing...haha i loved the mulleted trucker.