Saturday, September 30, 2006

Adventures in Flag-Bearing

The Performing Arts DTS from the summer did a "stomp" sort of presentation as well as singing a song from Sister Act.
Loren Cunningham
my friend Hannah holding the American flag.

Last night there was a large ceremony with about 900 people. Loren Cunningham spoke and they had dances from every different continent. People swollowing fire and dancing with it, hip hop dancers, latin dancers, hawaiian dancers, american samoa, Japanese dancers with drums, you name it. Mom you would have LOVED it!

I was chosen to carry the flag for Canada in their ceremony. So I've included pics incase you don't believe that I did it! My friend Brittany took the photos for me.

1 comment:

~*Trisha*~ said...

Yeah! Look at you ... stepping out of your comfort zone!!! I am so proud of you Emmels!